Thursday, April 16, 2009

It's Mount 'Pleasant,' so keep it quiet


Barbara Benton read my column last week about how it's considered impolite to honk your car horn here in the Lowcountry. Two days later she found out it's also against the law.

Ken is an over all nice guy (the one chance I had to meet him) and a heck of a writer. However, he is spanning away from his usual sports columns and delivering a slice of life Americana style. It was a slow day via email so I'm improvising a bit, mainly because they did an overall decent job with the Tea Bag party headline (damn it). I do like how Ken quoted "Pleasant". Oh stop it. Don't roll your eyes. It's all I got. Columnists can get a break unless absurd. Though I never really care about old white ladies and their driving habits. But who else is going to read the Post and Courier. They have to cater to the old and wrinkly and use them when they have nothing to write about. I guess old people still serve a purpose. Don't you go dying on me Barbara.

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