Let's face it, sorting bottles, cans and newspapers is a little more work than throwing everything in the trash bin. You've also got to store it and get it out to the curb every other week on just the right day. Miss one and you spend the next two weeks balancing more bottles on the overflowing heap in the blue plastic tubs.
Let's face it. When writing a front page story about a topical issue that can impact our lives and ask its fellow readers for sacrifices, a hard news lede is typically what is needed. Did we get it? Um...no. What do we get instead? The biggest no-no of journalism, an article written in the second-person. Not only is this laziness from the author, but also from the editor. Since this is the first story of the daily email, I'm assuming this story is also on the front page. Ouch. But take a look at the lede itself regardless of the faux pas. From the headline, the county government wants to make a strong goal to help recycle. Does this resonate from the lede itself? Not really. The lede states how recycling is annoying. I'm hoping the rest of the story explains how recycling should be a conscious effort. I just hope Diane didn't recycle her writing for the mass media books.
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